We all know how to respond to the threat of drugs in our communities, don’t we? All we need to do is stop them entering the country whilst encouraging our children to just say ‘no’ – drugs are evil and dangerous and drug-users equally so.
Yet we also know that this is a war no one is winning, a fact increasingly acknowledged by politicians, law enforcers, policy advisers and governments around the world. Despite billions of pounds spent annually, worldwide, in trying to control drug production, supply and use, cocaine and heroin consumption has been rising consistently.
Darryl Bickler, a former criminal law and human rights solicitor and co-founder of the Drug Equality Alliance, believes that sensible use of drugs can benefit the individual and society and that we must stop misusing both the law and the language to create the fear and prejudices that continue to restrain any sensible change in attitude and policy.
Paul Peart of Lifeline Kirklees, a local drug and alcohol treatment service, will be talking how the organisation works with people who are badly affected by substance misuse, and explain some of the issues surrounding the drugs debate.
Come along, join the debate, and tell us what you think.
The details:
Tuesday 28 September 2010
Doors open 6.00
Debate starts 6.30
Café Ollo
The Media Centre
7 Northumberland Street
£2.50 or donation
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
28 September 2010: is it time to call a truce on the 'war on drugs'?
Posted by
Huddersfield Salon
Friday, 14 May 2010
08 June 2010: 'The Right to Offend?'
Posted by
Huddersfield Salon
Friday, 26 February 2010
'The Death of Democracy?'
Date: Tuesday 30th March 2010, 06:00pm - 08:30pm
Posted by
Huddersfield Salon
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Are we training enough creatives -- or too many?
Are we training enough creatives - or too many? Are degrees in the creative arts a passport to the future or just conning the kids? Culture Secretary Ben Bradshaw recently visited the Huddersfield Media Centre. He has said that: "Our cultural and creative industries have been a British success story in recent years. They have continued to grow strongly during the global downturn and will provide a lot of the future jobs and growth the country needs." This optimism has driven a massive increase in the number of people being trained in creative subjects in British colleges and universities. But when they graduate are they what the industry wants… and can there ever be enough jobs to employ more than a fraction of them anyway? Andrew Blake, Associate Head of the School of Social Sciences, Media and Cultural Studies at the University of East London says the rhetoric around the creative industries, skills and education is getting way out of hand. He believes we are educating far too many people for jobs that will not exist and that the best many people can look forward to is a life of self-exploitation followed by abandonment of their vocation for a more sustainable career. Unless, that is, they are the scion of the comfortable classes who are prepared to subsidise their offspring indefinitely in unpaid internships for a callous and increasingly exclusive industry. Opposing this viewpoint will be Emma Hunt, Dean of the School of Art and Design at the University of Huddersfield. Huddersfield Salon, Tuesday 26 January 2010 Doors open 6.00 Debate starts 6.30 Café Ollo The Media Centre 7 Northumberland Street Huddersfield HD1 1RL £2.50 or donation
Posted by
Huddersfield Salon
Labels: creative, debate, degree, education, students, university
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Throw open the borders, is it time for a radical response to immigration?
The Huddersfield Salon is a new space in Huddersfield for people who are interested in hearing provocative ideas from engaging speakers, and participating in stimulating debate.
October's event asks - "Throw open the borders, is it time for a radical response to immigration?"
The venue is open from 18:00, debate starts at 18:30.
Refreshments will be available at the bar.
Suggested donation - £2.50
Cafe Ollo
The Media Centre
7 Northumberland St
Posted by
Huddersfield Salon
Labels: debate, immigration
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Huddersfield Salon: Shopping till we drop?
Shopping till we drop?
Is the British obsession with supermarkets killing pour towns?
Love them or loathe them supermarkets have become an integral part of our lives… but are we letting them kill off our towns?
Are you in the pro camp? You find them convenient and good value… you don’t understand what the fuss is about?
Or are you frightened that our towns will be consumed by too many supermarkets?
Come and join us in a lively debate!
Doors open at 18:00, debate starts at 18:30.
Suggested contribution: £2.50 (more if you can)
Refeshments will be available at the bar.
The next Huddersfield Salon will take place on 27th Oct and 24th Nov. Subjects will include immigration and death of family.
Posted by
Huddersfield Salon
Labels: debate, shopping, supermarkets
Monday, 22 June 2009
Assisted suicide – a personal choice or a criminal act?
Tuesday 30th June Doors open at 6.00pm, debate starts at 6.30pm
Helping someone to take their own life is not only illegal but simply wrong, or is it a humane and respectful response to the rights of the individual.
Martin Johnson RN, MSc, PhD is professor in Nursing, University of Salford and editor, Nurse Education Today “It is an individual’s choice to decide how they are cared for. This includes being able if they wish, to end their life because of chronic and incurable pain and suffering.”
Dr Hans-Christian Raabe MD MRCP MRCGP DRCOG is a Manchester GP and medical coordinator of the Council for Heath and Wholeness “The real danger is that once you accept killing as the solution to a single problem, then what is to stop it being as the answer to hundreds of other problems?”
Entrance: Suggested contribution £2.50 (more if you can)
Pay at the door
Refreshments are available at the bar
Café Ollo, The Media Centre, Northumberland Street, Huddersfield HD1 1RL (2mins from train station)
For more information:
Tel: 01484 483010
Email: info@the-media-centre.co.uk
Posted by
Huddersfield Salon
Labels: assisted suicide, debate, huddersfield salon, suicide